donderdag, april 10, 2008

KOOPKR8 VERWACHT!: bijdrage: -> Inneke23 <-

een liedje over een van die plaatskes die het helaas niet overleefd hebben: De Muziekdoos

the musicbox song

the musicbox is a bar in town
it's not much larger than it sounds
but it's the f"°"§ing coolest place around
and now the law wants to shut it down
shut it down?! don't shut it down

let's hear that sound
don't let it go down
that musicbox sound

a lot of great bands started out there
when they were small and nobody cared
they were welcome with songs to share
what's Big in Belgium started out there
over there over there

if it made a sound
it was sure to grow
on the musicbox ground

if you had a poem or you had a song
some crazy chaos or a sing along
a clasic concert or a dingedong
a dingedong oh as long

as it made a sound
it was sure to grow
on the musicbox ground

i wonder if the bartender's beard
had something to do with it
it's the longest beard i ever saw
it could beat Santaclaus' santaclaus

please save that sound
don't let it go down
that musicbox sound

so if you have a poem or you have a song
some crazy chaos or a dingedong
a classic concert or a sing along
sing along sing along

don't let it down, don't let it go down
that furtile,
musicbox ground


de verweesde kinderen van de doos zijn nog steeds op de dool
en op zoek naar plaatskes en middelen: 'tmuziekdooscollectief

